5 Stress Management Tips

Annu Singh
2 min readJul 1, 2020

We are living in stressful times. Stress is now an underlying issue in many families. You hardly have any control over it. There are certainly some tips which will help you easily deal with stress.

  1. Be positive
one battle at a time

Being positive is quite difficult. With so much in chaos sometimes it’s difficult to see on the brighter side. But you can’t give up. Having a positive attitude will not only help you but those around you. You will feel supported and certain about your decision. It might be hard but worth it.

2. Control

Sometimes, you need to understand some matters that are not in your control. You need to let go of these things. They are just adding up to your stress and will ultimately hamper your health. Thinking and stressing about something which isn’t in your hands is time and energy both wasted. You need to regroup this energy and put it in something productive.

3. Meditate

Find your inner voice

Meditating is an age-old practised over centuries around the globe. It has significant results in relieving stress and anxiety. Find a way to incorporate meditation in your daily routine. Be strict with yourself. Make time for it. Practice it every day. Meditation can be done anywhere and with zero equipment. All you require is the will to work on yourself.

4. Exercise Daily


Doing a physical activity of any sort is essential for your health. You can choose any activity you like and do it daily. Make it your routine. It will help you relax your body and your mind. Working out for at least an hour daily can do wonders for you.

5. Breathe

and relax

In the time of stress, you should start taking deep breaths to help you calm the nerves. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and count to 10. If that doesn’t work call a loved one, a friend or any family member. Talk about what is stressing you out and you will surely feel good.



Annu Singh

A booming writer, trying to experience life & write a few words about it.