Alcohol and Anxiety

Annu Singh
3 min readOct 5, 2020

There are different battles & struggles everyone goes through. The heinous struggles that we go through are what make the person we are. Each one of us has a different story, a different tale. Sometimes, knowing someone has gone through the same fate helps us acquire an ounce of strength still left to fight through the battles. Not everyone has the courage or the strength to come out and admit their fears & struggles. No one wants to look that vulnerable. So, if you come across a person going through something, then lending them a hand in the hour of the need will help them a long way.

Alcohol & Anxiety

Alcohol has always been a social beverage that tastes best after a long tiring day of work. Many people drink a glass of wine or two after every day of work. Having wine in the evening helps them kick back and relax. However, many people make a habit out of it. Consuming alcohol every day can have irrecoverable damages to both mental & physical health. Many people now suffer from alcoholism & are unable to make proper decisions in their life. Allowing yourself to be down this path will rip out your mental balance and make you more dependent on it to get by.

Role of Anxiety

Many people secretly suffer from immense stress & anxiety. Sometimes, in order to cope with the stress & anxiety in their life, they resort to alcohol for the will to live. They start to consume it whenever they feel like it and cope with the pressure they have been dealing with. Having a drink when you are already anxious is always a bad idea. It makes you more vulnerable to alcohol; it gives it the power to choose how you feel about yourself. Also, at times of social anxiety, never resort to having a drink cause it will only make the situation worse.

Effects of Consuming Too Much Alcohol

Consuming alcohol over a long period to cope with stress & anxiety will leave you vulnerable to a series of physical & mental illnesses. The level of the brain’s neurotransmitters’ changes because of the consumption of alcohol will only worsen any anxiety you might already have. Any pressure occurring out of alcohol consumption is likely to last for several hours and sometimes even a day. The hangovers are the worst and which only worsens to nausea, dizziness & low blood pressure.

Alcohol is Not The Answer To Anxiety

Never resort to alcohol to help you deal with your anxiety, as it will leave you open to innumerable & irrecoverable damages. Knowing your mental & physical health is very important in discovering the type of stress you might be struggling with. Therapy has known wonders for people dealing with gratifying stress & anxiety. Having occasional drinks, once in a blue moon, never hurt anyone.

To sum it up, dealing with alcohol & anxiety together doesn’t mix well. There are more effective & relevant ways to reach for the serenity you were always looking for.



Annu Singh

A booming writer, trying to experience life & write a few words about it.