How-To Guide For Selling Out Your NFT Collection

Annu Singh
6 min readNov 10, 2022


Earn a fortune selling your NFT Collection

If you’re like me, you’ve probably been holding onto your NFT collection for years without realizing that there are ways to turn them into cold hard cash. But now that I have a better understanding of the market and the best methods for selling my own NFTs, I’m ready to share my knowledge with others who want to do the same!

Section: How To Sell Your Own NFT Collection In The Current Market

Why sell your NFTs?

Bored Ape NFT

Selling your NFTs will allow you to make money. There are many different ways that people sell NFTs, but most of them have the same goal: making money. If you have a lot of art and other collectables that are worth more than what they’re worth on the market, then selling them can be an awesome option for making some extra cash.

If you want more art in your life but don’t have time or space for it all at once, selling some pieces can help with this problem by allowing them into someone else’s collection instead!

It’s also possible (and sometimes even desirable) to donate some of these pieces after their sale so they continue being available for others’ enjoyment without having been lost forever through neglecting ownership duties such as cleaning up after pets or children playing games behind closed doors; these types of activities lead directly into potential loss scenarios where valuable content could be damaged beyond repair due lack proper caretaking practices.”

1. Choose a marketplace to sell your NFT collection

If you’re looking to sell your NFT collection, the first thing to do is choose a marketplace where people can buy and sell items with NFTs. There are many different markets out there, but we’ll focus on those that are most popular among collectors:

  • Steam Community Market (SCM) — This marketplace allows users to post their own NFTs for sale or trade in exchange for SCM points. Users who want to sell their items also need to meet certain requirements in order for them to be listed on SCM’s website. These include having at least five photos of each item along with other information about what kind of help they’d like from buyers or sellers alike; having an account dedicated entirely towards selling only; having enough activity within those accounts so as not to repeat themselves too often (this means posting more than once per month).
  • ArtXchange — This site offers both artists and artists’ assistants a platform where they can showcase their work alongside other members’ pieces while still maintaining control over how much exposure each piece gets through its own listing page instead of having everything lumped together under one big category called “Everything”. Artists also benefit from ArtXchange’s free shipping options which lets them ship anywhere worldwide without incurring any additional fees above what standard shipping rates would normally incur anyway due primarily because there aren’t many reliable suppliers available locally yet (though some smaller shops might offer discounts if contacted beforehand).

2. What is the secondary market for NFTs?

The secondary market for NFTs is a marketplace where you can sell or trade your NFTs.

You might have heard of this term before, but do you really know what it means?

The secondary market for NFTs refers to the transfer of ownership over digital assets or collectables from one party (the seller) to another (the buyer).

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

In other words, if I own an item like a Pokemon card and want someone else to buy it from me so that they can enjoy it themselves without having all the responsibility of owning such an expensive item in their hands all the time then selling them on eBay would be considered selling them on their own terms as opposed to buying them directly off eBay itself where everything happens at once; which could lead people into thinking there isn’t much demand out there when in fact there are plenty available!

3. Promote your portfolio

Photo by Sticker Mule on Unsplash
  • Post photos of your collection on social media.
  • Share your collection with friends and family.
  • Talk about it with other collectors.
  • Post photos of your collection on the marketplace you choose (e.g., Binance, Kucoin, etc.). Make sure to tag each item so that people can easily find it in their search results! If there isn’t a marketplace available where you want to sell NFTs, consider starting one yourself!

You can learn more about creating an exchange here:

4. Promote your collections

Now that you’ve sold your NFTs, it’s time to promote them. This is one of the most important steps in selling out your collection, as it will help people find out about your art and purchase it.

The first step is creating an Instagram account for your NFTs so that you can share photos of them on social media. Next, post pictures of all kinds of art — from paintings to sculptures to even jewellery — and encourage others who follow you on social media (or those who don’t but might be interested) to visit this page as well! Use hashtags like #nftart and #nftcollector so they’ll get caught up in the hype around this new trend before anyone else has even heard about it yet!

5. Decide how much you want to sell for

Once you have determined the value of your work, it’s time to think about how much you want to sell for. There are many factors that go into this decision, including:

  • How much do other pieces in this style sell for?
  • What is the current market value of similar pieces?
  • How long did it take me to make this piece and what did I spend on materials and supplies?
  • What was my final selling price (if any)?

6. Be patient and consistent

It takes time to build a following, but you can speed up the process by being consistent in your marketing efforts and being patient. Don’t give up if you don’t sell out right away; instead, keep going! You will get there eventually if you just keep trying. Your goal should be to build relationships with buyers over time so that they see value in what they are buying from you (the seller).

7. Work on building relationships with fellow artists and collectors

  • Talk to other collectors.
  • Connect with artists.
  • Use social media, Discord and Telegram channels to talk about NFTs and your collections as well as where you can buy them from each other.

You can also find out if anyone has any recommendations on where to buy NFTs from fellow collectors via Reddit or Twitter (or even Instagram).

For any artist, selling out your art collection is a big milestone — especially if it was done by selling NFTs.

For any artist, selling out your art collection is a big milestone — especially if it was done by selling NFTs.

NFTs are a new asset class that is becoming increasingly popular in the blockchain world and can be used to buy and sell collectables. The main advantage of an NFT is that it’s immutable, meaning you can prove ownership of an item forever without having to rely on someone else for proof of authenticity or ownership. This makes them ideal for collectors who want peace of mind when they purchase something they know will always be theirs no matter what happens with the seller or buyer later down the line (which could happen).

The other benefit that comes along with owning an NFT is its ability to build a community around yourself as well as your brand via social media platforms like Twitter where people post pictures/videos of their purchases there too! If done correctly then these posts could even become viral reaching thousands upon thousands more people than would otherwise have seen them otherwise!


Selling out your NFT collection is a big milestone in any artist’s career. It shows that you’ve matured as an artist and can make the most of what you have to offer. If you’re considering selling out, we recommend taking some time to think about all of the above before making decisions about how much money you want for your work. And remember: patience is key!



Annu Singh
Annu Singh

Written by Annu Singh

A booming writer, trying to experience life & write a few words about it.

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